Sunday was Bud's first "trip" into the city. Originally, we had considered going to the
Laurie Berkner concert in Central Park, but we did not want to fight the crowds. (That's right folks, your humble narrator was considering going to a Laurie
Berkner concert....not that she's not talented...but, oh how my life has changed...)
Instead, we walked throughout the city. Beginning at the midtown ferry terminal on 38
th Street, we walked down the West Side Highway to
Highline Thai Restaurant on Washington and Little West 12
th. We stopped for Brunch & Bottle (which also meant something quite different to me about 5 years least the "bottle" part.) I highly recommend this place- great Thai brunch...something different.
From there, we moved over to
Magnolia Bakery (yes,
that Magnolia Bakery), finally to feed Bud at a nearby park. The park was crowded with kids playing, which was fine, but since when is it OK for eight- and nine-year old kids to run around naked in a public park? Put some pants on your kid, dammit!
From there, we walked back to the ferry, and back to the N-J.
All in all, it was a fun day. Better than my evening tonight; watching the running-cold Yankees go from a minor derailment to an effing train wreck to an absolute disaster. I actually went to this game, and it was quite a disappointment. I am planning on going to tomorrow's game, although I do so very nervously. Effing Red
Sox....Coco Crisp....that can't be his real name.