Sunday, May 06, 2007

Breasts Express

My very first words on this blog were: "nothing elicits stupid comments from total strangers more than telling them you're expecting a child." I was wrong. Simply walking in a public place with a baby in a stroller tops far.

Newmommy and I were at Au Bon Pain yesterday, feeding Bud. (No, she's not up to the Chipotle-Tuna Wraps yet...) Two old ladies began talking to us, and somehow the topic turned to one of the ladies' daughter's breastfeeding habits. (I don't even need to continue this story for the experience to be strange....until parenthood, discussing breasts was not a public-place thing; it was limited to sixth grade health, college dorm rooms and spring break. But for some reason, elderly women feel the need to discuss their child's boobs with me and my wife. Great.)
Anyway, as it turns out, Booblady's daughter is going on vacation, leaving her child with her mother. But, she's breastfeeding, so over the next few weeks, she is pumping some extra milk so that there's a supply when she's gone.

"Won't she get engorged?," asks Newmommy.

"No," says Booblady, "she's pumping while she's away and sending the milk home on dry ice."

I know there's a school of thought out there who believes that "every sperm is sacred" (or maybe I just saw that in a movie once), but I did not realize that applied to breast milk. Go figure.

A few other notes, while I have your attention:
  • A buddy of mine found this on YouTube. This was on cable a lot in the early nineties, but I haven't seen it since. Recently, this guy was the mime in the "Aristocrats."
  • If you haven't seen Sarah Silverman's Comedy Central show...I recommend it. That chick is funny.
  • Happy learned how to putt! Uh, oh!! (In all seriousness, we better take out a friggin insurance policy on his hamstrings.)

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